Scholarships from Eleos

"I am now the first University graduate in my family, thanks to Eleos. Long live Eleos."

Elizabeth Nyarko
Ghana Scholarship Recipient

Ghana & Morroco Scholarship

We provide scholarships to students in Ghana and Morrocco. We have 20 active students and 20 have graduated. 3 are studying in the United States.

Students must meet these basic qualifications:

Student needs to have a B average or higher
Student comes from a low income family
Student will do volunteer work as a way of giving back to the community

Further Qualifications

SHS Graduates

Should have an aggregate between 6 and 10
Should have applied for any of the listed programmes in any of the traditional universities or technical universities, preferably Kumasi Technical University.


Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry, Dentistry, Medical Lab, Dispensing Tech, Nursing Midwifery, Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Scienc, Data Science, Statistics or any other physical science programmes

Continuing Students

Must have a CWA not less than 68% or GPA of 3.80 and above (for schools with GPA up to 5) or CGPA of 3.00 and above (for schools with GPA up to 4.00)


Scholarship Recipients

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