Michael Kodzo

Michael Kodzo

In School

I am Kunafa Michael Kodzo, a third-year student at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) offering Medicine. I like reading, soccer and also playing video games. My goal is to provide healthcare to less privileged people. I will be organizing outreaches to give free health screenings. The biggest dream is to provide community hospitals with cutting-edge medical technology to aid in providing quality treatment. I believe everyone deserves access to proper healthcare. This dream I believe seemed not reachable until Eleos Cares Foundation came to play. With Eleos' assistance, I will be able to complete my medical education and have a thorough understanding of healthcare delivery, which will make it easier for me to give high-quality treatment. A university is also a place where you can network with people whose ideas can support yours, and Eleos made this possible.